How to configure Whitelist in Admin Portal

How to configure Whitelist in Admin Portal

This document serves as a guide for administrators on how to configure the whitelist settings within the SiteWALL Admin Portal. Whitelisting allows for the specification of elements (such as IP addresses, URIs, or URLs) that are permitted to bypass certain rules or restrictions, ensuring smooth operation for trusted sources.

Whitelist Parameters

Whitelisting in SiteWALL can be done using the following parameters:

1) IP ADDRESS: Allows the whitelisting of a specific IP address or range of IP addresses.

2) URI: Permits the whitelisting of a specific URI.

3) RULE ID: Enables the whitelisting of a specific rule identified by its ID.

4) ADVANCED: Offers complex whitelisting options using custom rules and conditions (detailed below).

For assistance with whitelisting or if you encounter any issues, please reach out to SiteWALL support at

Configuration Procedure

Logging into the SiteWALL Admin Portal via

Navigate through the portal using the side menu bar. Go to Configuration > Whitelist to access the whitelist settings.

Whitelisting an IP Address

To whitelist an IP address, follow these steps:

Application Selection: Decide whether the whitelisting is for a specific application or all applications. If it's for all, select "ALL" in the Application List. For a specific application, choose the relevant application from the dropdown list.

Whitelist Type: In the dropdown list for "Whitelist Type," select "IP ADDRESS" and click on Add button.

Enter the IP address you wish to whitelist into the input field.

Click on the "Submit" button to finalize the whitelisting of the IP address.


Whitelisting a URI

To whitelist a specific URI, follow these steps:

Application Selection: Select the application from the Application List. 

Whitelist Type: In the dropdown list for "Whitelist Type," select "URI" and click on Add button.

Enter the URI  you wish to whitelist into the input field.

Click on the "Submit" button to finalize the whitelisting of the URI.

Whitelisting a RULE ID

To whitelist a specific rule, follow these steps:

Application Selection: Decide whether the whitelisting is for a specific application or all applications. If it's for all, select "ALL" in the Application List. For a specific application, choose the relevant application from the dropdown list.

Whitelist Type: In the dropdown list for "Whitelist Type," select "RULE ID" and click on Add button.

Enter the RULE ID you wish to whitelist into the input field. Please note you can enter multiple rule id's with space in between.

Click on the "Submit" button to finalize the whitelisting of the rule id.

Whitelisting using ADVANCED Option

With ADVANCED Whitelist option you can configure to Whitelisting a specific rule if the URI meets certain pre-defined conditions.

Supported pre-defined conditions are as below

1) is --> URI is Complete match. Whitelist a rule If the URI matches completely.

2) contains --> URI contains specified parameter. Whitelist a rule If the URI contains a specified parameter.

3) begins with --> URI starts with specified parameter. Whitelist a rule If the URI begins with a specified parameter.

4) ends with --> URI ends with specified parameter. Whitelist a rule If the URI ends with a specified parameter.

To whitelist using ADVANCED option, follow these steps:

Application Selection: Select the application from the Application List. 

Whitelist Type: In the dropdown list for "Whitelist Type," select "ADVANCED" and click on Add button.

Select the condition you want to configure and specific the parameter for matching. Enter the rule id to be Whitelisted when this parameter is matched.

Click on the "Submit" button to finalize the whitelisting using ADVANCED option.